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High Reliability Teacher
The Marzano Resources High Reliability Teacher (HRT) program encourages and celebrates teacher effectiveness. Our multileveled HRT certification process recognizes the advancement of a teacher’s pedagogical skills and knowledge in three specific areas:
Effective Use of Instructional Strategies
Student Learning
Valid and Rigorous Feedback
Course overview
The HRT program includes three levels of certification and four online courses:
Level 1, Course 1: Foundation of Instructional Strategies
Learning Objectives
Understand and implement a model of instruction
Create unit lesson plans and daily lesson plans aligned to the model of instruction
Complete a self-assessment and create growth goals
Administer student pre- and post-surveys aligned to growth goals
Engage in deliberate practice with growth goals
Implement a student self-actualization project or a project that connects students to something greater than themselves
Please note: Levels 1 and 2 may be completed simultaneously. Some educators prefer this option as the data gathered for Level 1 supports the work in Level 2.
Level 1, Course 2: Reflection of Instructional Strategies
Learning Objectives
Provide evidence of effective instruction by submitting and reflecting on video recordings of your instruction
Create unit lesson plans and daily lesson plans aligned to the model of instruction
Provide self-assessment scores for video recorded lessons
Compare self-assessment scores to certification reviewer scores
Explain how teacher actions are impacting student learning
Please note: Levels 1 and 2 may be completed simultaneously. Some educators prefer this option as the data gathered for Level 1 supports the work in Level 2.
Grow professionally in instruction, assessment, and feedback.
Improve student achievement.
Develop expertise and expand career opportunities.
Who should participate in the HRT certification process?
HRT is most beneficial for practicing teachers who have classroom experience. In addition, participants should be open to implementing Dr. Robert J. Marzano’s The New Art and Science of Teaching instructional framework in their classrooms.
What are the benefits of participating in the HRT program?
Receive detailed feedback regarding your instruction
Increase your competence in instructional practice
Become a teacher leader
Further your understanding of assessment literacy
Thank you for visiting Solution Tree. Resources, events and in-school support are available to you locally through Hawker Brownlow Education in Melbourne.