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About Marzano Resources

Our Mission

Advance the work of our authors

Our Vision

Transform education worldwide to ensure learning for all

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At Marzano Resources, we are defined by our passion for high-quality teaching and learning. Every solution we offer is based on Dr. Robert J. Marzano’s 50 years of education research and delivers best practices educators can take straight to their classrooms, schools, and districts.

Designed for your success

To support you through every phase of your professional development journey, we offer a variety of learning formats. Our services and products include customizable on-site professional development, educator events, virtual coaching, books, DVDs, and online courses, with a strong emphasis on the topics that educators like you have told us matter most.

Whether you want to drive continuous school improvement with the Marzano High Reliability Schools framework, transform instruction with The New Art and Science of Teaching framework, or focus on any number of other key topic areas, Marzano Resources is here to help.

Popular Topics:

  • Assessment & Grading
  • Competency-Based Education
  • Curriculum
  • Teacher Effectiveness
  • Instruction
  • Leadership
  • Student Engagement
  • Vocabulary

Support you can trust

Marzano Resources associates are hand-selected for their in-depth expertise and years of success as practitioners. Personally trained by Dr. Robert J. Marzano, our experts are uniquely qualified to help K–12 educators achieve their professional learning goals. When you choose Marzano Resources, you can be sure you are getting guidance from some of the education field’s most highly regarded thought leaders.