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Book Study Recordings

Coaching for Significant and Sustained Change in the Classroom Book Study

Coaching makes great teachers! Tom Roy’s experience and insight makes coaches great. Teachers, coaches, and educators who use coaching programs will learn the elements of the Coaching Cycle to improve instruction. Each session will focus on a specific aspect of coaching that has been shown to improve learning; sessions include Change, the Cycle of events which assure change, Methods and Techniques, School and District models that work, Peer Coaching, and Leadership. Each session begins with a short presentation followed by plenty of time for questions and comments from participants.

Recordings of sessions

Coaching for Significant and Sustained Change in the Classroom

Leading the Evolution Book Study

In Leading the Evolution: How to Make Personalized Competency-Based Education a Reality, Mike Ruyle asserts that schools are under increasingly intense pressure to react to and change with a rapidly evolving world so as to better prepare students for an uncertain future. To succeed in this environment, school leaders must understand why the traditional school paradigm is inadequate and embrace personalized competency-based education (PCBE), which marries the ideas of personalized learning opportunities with individualized pacing of the academic content students are expected to master. To implement PCBE, we offer the evolutionary triad, a framework consisting of three main elements: (1) the transformational instructional leader, (2) the optimistic teacher, and (3) the engaged student.

Recordings of sessions

Leading the Evolution

Managing the Inner World of Teaching Book Study

Using the book Managing the Inner World of Teaching, these sessions will address what can be thought of as SEL for classroom teachers. Participants will learn the dynamics of how they make moment-by-moment decisions when interacting with students. More importantly, they will learn how to evaluate their decisions before acting to ensure that they optimize positive interactions and mitigate negative interactions. Finally, participants will learn how the techniques presented in the book can be applied to their lives outside of school.

Recordings of sessions

Managing the Inner World of Teaching

A Teacher’s Guide to Standards-Based Learning Book Study

When teachers adopt standards-based learning, students take ownership of their learning and achievement soars! Come join a conversation based on a book written specifically for K–12 teachers, A Teacher's Guide to Standards-Based Learning. This resource details a sequential approach for connecting curriculum, instruction, assessment methods, and feedback through standards-based education. Jan K. Hoegh, an author of the book and facilitator of each session, promises to provide practical advice, real-world examples, and answers to frequently asked questions about this relevant topic.

Recordings of sessions

A Teacher’s Guide to Standards-Based Learning