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Supporting Beginning Teachers

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Appendix A

Online-Only Material

Scales for the Art and Science of Teaching Framework

  1. What do I typically do to provide clear learning goals and scales (rubrics)?
  2. What do I typically do to track student progress?
  3. What do I typically do to celebrate success?
  4. What do I typically do to establish and maintain classroom rules and procedures?
  5. What do I typically do to organize the physical layout of the classroom?
  6. What do I typically do to identify critical information?
  7. What do I typically do to organize students to interact with new knowledge?
  8. What do I typically do to preview new content?
  9. What do I typically do to chunk content into digestible bites?
  10. What do I typically do to help students process new information?
  11. What do I typically do to help students elaborate on new information?
  12. What do I typically do to help students record and represent knowledge?
  13. What do I typically do to help students reflect on their learning?
  14. What do I typically do to review content?
  15. What do I typically do to organize students to practice and deepen knowledge?
  16. What do I typically do to use homework?
  17. What do I typically do to help students examine similarities and differences?
  18. What do I typically do to help students examine errors in reasoning?
  19. What do I typically do to help students practice skills, strategies, and processes?
  20. What do I typically do to help students revise knowledge?
  21. What do I typically do to organize students for cognitively complex tasks?
  22. What do I typically do to engage students in cognitively complex tasks involving hypothesis generation and testing?
  23. What do I typically do to provide resources and guidance?
  24. What do I typically do to notice when students are not engaged?
  25. What do I typically do to use academic games?
  26. What do I typically do to manage response rates?
  27. What do I typically do to use physical movement?
  28. What do I typically do to maintain a lively pace?
  29. What do I typically do to demonstrate intensity and enthusiasm?
  30. What do I typically do to use friendly controversy?
  31. What do I typically do to provide opportunities for students to talk about themselves?
  32. What do I typically do to present unusual or intriguing information?
  33. What do I typically do to demonstrate withitness?
  34. What do I typically do to apply consequences for lack of adherence to rules and procedures?
  35. What do I typically do to acknowledge adherence to rules and procedures?
  36. What do I typically do to understand students’ interests and backgrounds?
  37. What do I typically do to use verbal and nonverbal behaviors that indicate affection for students?
  38. What do I typically do to display objectivity and control?
  39. What do I typically do to demonstrate value and respect for low-expectancy students?
  40. What do I typically do to ask questions of low-expectancy students?
  41. What do I typically do to probe incorrect answers with low-expectancy students?

Suggested Resources