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Questioning Sequences in the Classroom

By: Robert J. Marzano, Julia A. Simms

Learn how to ask targeted questions to enhance students’ reasoning skills and increase rigor in classrooms.

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Questioning Sequences in the Classroom

Ask targeted questions to enhance students’ reasoning skills and increase rigor in classrooms. Use a four-phase questioning sequence to help students make claims, build sound arguments, and provide evidence to support their points. You’ll discover how to coordinate sequences to elicit students’ prior knowledge, prompt the discovery of new information, and deepen and extend students’ learning in all content areas.

  • Master the four phases of questioning sequences, and understand their effectiveness for student success.
  • Encourage students to use higher-order thinking and knowledge-application skills.
  • Learn to ask meaningful questions that deepen student understanding on new concepts and spark students’ desire to learn more.
  • Cultivate classroom questioning practices that reinforce the cognitive skills required by the Common Core State Standards.
  • Discover strategies for employing questioning sequences for both single class periods and for lessons that span several days.

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Additional Information

Product Code: BKL018, EKL011

ISBN: 9780985890261

Page Count: 160


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