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Professional Learning
Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum

Ensure success for every student

  • Define clear learning expectations for every content area.
  • Provide all students an equal opportunity to learn essential content
  • Develop and use proficiency scales in the classroom.
  • Use data-driven assessment to inform instruction.
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On-Site & Virtual Professional Learning for Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum

Give all your students access to the same high-quality curriculum. Our experts will help you implement and maintain a guaranteed and viable curriculum focused on enhancing student learning in your school or district.

Where are you on your professional learning journey?

Your team is ready to gain understanding, inspiration, and strategies to develop a guaranteed and viable curriculum. See one-day services

You need more intensive sessions to deepen understanding and further your progress. See two-to-four-day services

You want to embed key processes, practices, and procedures designed to significantly improve staff performance and student achievement. See multi-day services

Your Goal

Building Your Skills

One‑Day Services


In a customizable presentation, an associate will guide and motivate your team toward designing a guaranteed and viable curriculum.

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A Teacher’s Guide to Standards-Based Learning Overview

When teachers adopt standards-based learning, students take ownership of their education and achievement soars. In this training, you’ll explore the benefits of standards-based learning and gain expert advice and tips for beginning the transition successfully.

  • Discover the theories and benefits of a standards-based curriculum.
  • Become familiar with several significant paradigm shifts that will help you make a strong transition to a standards-based classroom.
  • Explore ways to shift your thinking about teaching and lesson plans in order to better understand content as a vehicle for the achievement of standards.
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Leading Standards-Based Learning Overview

Standards-based learning is a valuable step forward for schools, but it must be implemented correctly to ensure the best results. In this training, you’ll learn how a standards-based system benefits all students, as well as how you can lead the transition in your school or district.

  • Develop a strong standards-based curriculum.
  • Align instruction and reliable assessments to the standards.
  • Change outdated grading and reporting practices to promote student learning and growth.
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Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum: High Reliability Schools Level 3 Overview

Reach unprecedented levels of academic excellence. The Marzano High Reliability Schools (HRS) framework serves as a strategic planning model to help schools focus on specific, research-based conditions for continuous school improvement.

At Level 3 of the HRS framework, schools focus on developing a guaranteed and viable curriculum. Ensure that teachers have the time they need to teach the curriculum and all students have access to the same high-quality curriculum.

  • Learn how schools can ensure that curriculum and assessments adhere to state and district standards.
  • Explore ways to focus curriculum so that teachers can address it in the time available.
  • Discuss how a school can establish appropriate programs and practices to help students meet individual achievement goals when interventions are needed.
  • Examine strategies for using data to regularly monitor progress toward school achievement goals.
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Your Goal

Deepening Your Skills

Two‑to‑Four‑Day Services

A Teacher’s Guide to Standards-Based Learning

Transitioning to a standards-based classroom is a major change but one that is highly beneficial for both teachers and students. This training provides teachers, and those who guide change in their classrooms, with practical, hands-on strategies and advice for shifting to standards-based learning.

  • Understand the role of standards and proficiency scales in a standards-based classroom.
  • Review how to apply standards-based procedures for planning and delivering instruction.
  • Learn effective ways for students to set goals and track their progress.
  • Discover how to use proficiency scales as the basis of creating and scoring quality classroom assessments.
  • Acquire strategies for configuring grades in a thoughtful manner and communicating them effectively.
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Leading Standards-Based Learning

Explore a research-backed, five-phase plan for leading the transition to a standards-based system. You’ll learn specific steps to develop curriculum, train staff, leverage technology, deploy new reporting systems, and communicate with stakeholders.

  • Learn how to develop a strong standards-based curriculum and align instruction and reliable assessments to the standards.
  • Explore ways to change outdated grading and reporting practices to promote student learning and growth.
  • Study implementation examples from real teachers, leaders, and schools.
  • Learn strategies to seek feedback from teachers, students, families, and other stakeholders.
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Developing and Using Proficiency Scales in the Classroom

Discover a clear path for creating and utilizing high-quality proficiency scales. Through this practical training, you will gain access to a comprehensive toolkit of strategies, methods, and proficiency scale examples for a variety of content areas and grade levels. You’ll also explore accommodations and modifications to support students with disabilities, English learners, and gifted and talented students.

  • Understand how to create and use proficiency scales to clearly frame classroom instruction and assessments for academic success.
  • Learn how to write high-quality proficiency scales, and review how to enrich student learning opportunities towards proficiency development.
  • Recognize the various ways teachers, students, and parents can use proficiency scales to achieve learning goals.
  • Access rubrics, criteria checklists, example goals, and pacing guides that you can use in concert with proficiency scales to provide valuable, meaningful feedback to students.
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Planning and Teaching in the Standards-Based Classroom

Shift to standards-based learning with clarity and confidence. This must-have training for teachers delivers straightforward, practical tools and detailed instructions for everything from lesson planning to proficiency scales to parent communication.

  • Understand priority standards and proficiency scales.
  • Develop curriculum maps to plan for the entire year or course.
  • Follow the steps of the instructional cycle to create standards-based units and lessons.
  • Help exceptional students continue to thrive and grow in a standards-based environment.
  • Communicate objectively with students and families about learning.
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Customizing the Critical Concepts

Work with an associate to customize your set of Marzano Resources Critical Concepts proficiency scales.

  • Understand the research and theory supporting the creation and structure of the Critical Concepts proficiency scales.
  • Learn about three areas of potential customization for the Critical Concepts proficiency scales.
  • Use a process to customize the Critical Concepts proficiency scales for the unique needs of your school or district.
  • Make changes to the Critical Concepts proficiency scales in consultation with a Marzano Resources associate.
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Teaching Basic, Advanced, and Academic Vocabulary

Learn how to construct a strong foundation for literacy development and academic achievement through direct vocabulary instruction on tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 terms. You’ll explore Dr. Robert J. Marzano’s analysis of more than 8,000 terms for grades K–5, organized into semantic clusters.

  • Understand how the cluster approach to vocabulary instruction helps students gradually learn the unique features of terms.
  • Gain word clusters specific to basic (tier one), advanced (tier two), and academic (tier three) terms.
  • Learn how to design a schoolwide plan for comprehensive vocabulary instruction.
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Crafting Your Message

Become a confident, dynamic presenter. This training outlines a clear process for planning and delivering highly effective presentations. Ideas and strategies are shared to help you augment your message and improve your communication skills, from triggering thinking and building consensus to summarizing information and checking for understanding.

  • Develop an understanding of presentation as a skill that can be improved through practice and positive feedback.
  • Become familiar with the unique learning needs of adults and how best to meet those needs through the art of presentation.
  • Discover ways to elevate all aspects of your presentations, from designing the message itself to considering audio, visuals, and room setup.
  • Improve self-confidence, handle speech anxiety, and overcome a fear of public speaking.
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Standards-Based Grading for English Learners

Use proficiency scales and multitiered systems of support to provide high-quality instruction, assessment, and feedback to exceptional learners. In this training, you’ll learn how to modify instruction and offer accommodations to support the achievement of English learners.

  • Examine what additional supports teachers and English learners may need in a standards-based learning environment.
  • Learn how to document accommodations and modifications using proficiency scales.
  • Understand how proficiency scales can enhance and strengthen multitiered systems of support.
  • Explore the experiences of schools and districts who have used proficiency scales and standards-based learning with English learners.
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Standards-Based Grading for Exceptional Students

Standards-based learning environments affect all students, yet exceptional situations may need some special considerations. During this training, you’ll explore such situations and acquire guidance for teachers working with students with disabilities, English learners, and gifted students. Participants will learn how to adapt proficiency scales and grading methods for these learners, along with how to address special classes, including electives, AP, and IB classes.

  • Understand how to link proficiency scales with multitiered systems of support.
  • Learn how to use proficiency scales with exceptional learners.
  • Explore strategies for assigning grades to exceptional students.
  • Discover how to use standards-based learning in special classes. (e.g., electives, AP, and IB)
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Your Goal

Sustaining Your Skills

Multi‑Day Services

Embedded Coaching

A Marzano Resources associate will work side by side with you to ensure a guaranteed and viable curriculum is in place for every child in every classroom. Feel confident in knowing you have ongoing support through the paradigm shifts and everyday challenges inherent to this vital work. Throughout your multi-day experience, your expert coach will help you create and implement the necessary systemic changes documented in your school’s individualized learning plan.

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Global PD Teams

Unlock unlimited access to professional learning videos that explore powerful strategies for strengthening your curriculum. Designed in collaboration with leading experts like Robert J. Marzano, Philip B. Warrick, Tammy Heflebower, and Tina H. Boogren, Global PD Teams provides meaningful web-based learning in an on-demand format that accommodates educators’ busy schedules.

  • Gain essential knowledge from 43 curated videos in The New Art and Science of Teaching PD playlist.
  • Benefit from just-in-time learning you can access anytime, anywhere, and on any device.
  • Organize playlists around your chosen topics and share among your group to increase engagement and learning.
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