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Shelley Gies

Shelley Gies, EdD, is a full-time Marzano associate. She is the former director of curriculum and instruction and a former building-level principal in central Indiana. Shelley also spent 23 years as a classroom teacher, serving most grades K–6.


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Shelley Gies

Shelley Gies, EdD, is a full-time Marzano associate. She is the former director of curriculum and instruction and a former building-level principal in central Indiana. Shelley also spent 23 years as a classroom teacher, serving most grades K–6.

Dr. Gies’s background and focus areas include leading schools and districts through research-based instructional elements, school improvement initiatives, formative assessment practices, and standards-based learning and reporting.

Dr. Gies received her elementary education degree from Franklin College and her master’s degree from Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis. She earned her education specialist degree, doctoral degree, building-level administrator license, and superintendent license from Ball State University.


The Art and Science of Teaching Workshop Formative Assessment and Standards Based Grading