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Melanie Lewis Magee

Dr. Melanie Lewis Magee served in education for 26 years at various levels starting as an elementary school teacher. After several roles in district administration, including adult and parent education, Dr. Magee moved into campus leadership. She was an assistant principal and later an associate principal at a high school culminating in four years as a middle school principal. Dr. Magee led Curriculum and Instruction for a large district and recently served as Deputy Superintendent for a small rural district. Her passion is coaching administrators and helping teachers be the best versions of themselves for students.


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Melanie Lewis Magee

Dr. Melanie Lewis Magee served in education for 26 years at various levels starting as an elementary school teacher. After several roles in district administration, including adult and parent education, Dr. Magee moved into campus leadership. She was an assistant principal and later an associate principal at a high school culminating in four years as a middle school principal. Dr. Magee led Curriculum and Instruction for a large district and recently served as Deputy Superintendent for a small rural district. Her passion is coaching administrators and helping teachers be the best versions of themselves for students.

Along with a Pulitzer Prize, Dr. Magee received the Dean’s Award from Southern Methodist University and the Presidential Citation for Outstanding Achievement from the University of Delaware.

Dr. Magee holds a doctorate from Southern Methodist University in educational leadership, a master’s degree from the University of North Texas, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Delaware.