Tammy Heflebower
- Coaching Classroom Instruction
Coaches and teachers will learn how to improve their craft using research-based strategies proven to heighten their classroom performance and boost student achievement.
$43.95 - Collaborative Teams That Transform Schools
The Next Step in PLCs
Explore research-based steps and strategies you can use to increase the effectiveness of collaborative teams and enhance professional learning communities.
$40.95 - Strategies for Cultivating Teacher Effectiveness
Written for classroom instructors, Becoming a Reflective Teacher introduces 280 research-based strategies that are expanded on in its companion book Coaching Classroom Instruction, written for leaders and coaches. This two-book set is designed to allow classroom teachers and building- and district-level administrators to work together to gain a united, big-picture view of how to implement strategies for school improvement.
$75.00 - A Teacher’s Guide to Standards-Based Learning
Designed specifically for K–12 teachers, this guide provides a sequential approach to implementing standards-based education in the classroom. Transition to more effective instructional strategies and use standards-based grading and assessment methods to better measure student learning.
$35.95 - Crafting Your Message
Tips and Tricks for Educators to Deliver Perfect Presentations
Gain more than 100 ideas and strategies designed to help you plan and deliver highly effective presentations, overcome speech anxiety, and improve communication skills. Embrace the art of public speaking, and discover what makes a successful presentation stand out.
$40.95 - Professional Learning Communities at Work® and High Reliability Schools
Cultures of Continuous Learning
Dramatically improve your school by merging the High Reliability Schools (HRS) model and the PLC at Work® process. Ensure continuous quality improvement through strong leadership and culture building.
$40.95 - Using Assessment to Track Student Growth Webinar
May 6, 2016
Join us in this webinar to better understand how to use various types of classroom assessments to reengage students in the learning process.
- The New Art and Science of Teaching Webinar
October 5, 2017
The New Art and Science of Teaching is an instructional framework that comprehensively addresses the well-researched components teachers use to make the most alterable effect on student achievement. In this webinar, Dr. Heflebower will overview the new framework, and she will highlight some of the design questions and corresponding elements.
- Introduction—A Handbook for High Reliability Schools
The Next Step in School Reform
$0.00 - Implementing Standards-Referenced Learning: A Five-Phase Plan Webinar
September 15, 2020
Building and district leaders must be well versed in standards-referenced grading and all that it entails. This is no small change. It is a lot like parenting—exciting, challenging, trying, rewarding, frustrating, and extremely gratifying. It is the most transformational change upon which leaders may ever embark. This webinar discusses what leaders need to consider to lead the myriad of calculated processes and products that serve as the foundation for solid execution.