Michael Evans
Michael Evans, EdD, brings over 28 years of experience as a classroom teacher, school counselor, building-level leader, and district-level leader.As a practitioner, he has led the transition to standards-based learning in multiple districts and continues to support schools and districts across the United States as an associate with Marzano Resources.
Michael Evans
Michael Evans, EdD, brings over 28 years of experience as a classroom teacher, school counselor, building-level leader, and district-level leader. As a practitioner, he has led the transition to standards-based learning in multiple districts and continues to support schools and districts across the United States as an associate with Marzano Resources.
Dr. Evans is a contributing author of the book Leading the Evolution: How to Make Personalized Competency-Based Education a Reality and is committed to changing the traditional paradigm of education.
Dr. Evans holds a doctorate in educational administration from Lindenwood University, a specialist in educational administration from William Woods University, a master’s degree in counseling from Missouri State University, and a bachelor’s degree in education from Missouri Southern State University.
- Leading the Transition to Standards-Based Grading
- Leading the Evolution: How to Make Competency-Based Education a Reality
- Evolving Education