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Mario I. Acosta

Mario I. Acosta, EdD, spent 20 years of his educational career as a teacher, instructional coach, assistant principal, academic director, and principal leading schools with diverse profiles in the state of Texas. He was named the 2022 Principal of the Year in the State of Texas while he was the principal at Westwood High School, a U.S. News & World Report top-50 campus and member of the High Reliability Schools (HRS) Network.


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Mario I. Acosta

Mario I. Acosta, EdD, spent 20 years of his educational career as a teacher, instructional coach, assistant principal, academic director, and principal leading schools with diverse profiles in the state of Texas. He was named the 2022 Principal of the Year in the State of Texas while he was the principal at Westwood High School, a U.S. News & World Report top-50 campus and member of the High Reliability Schools (HRS) Network.

Dr. Acosta has had success in leading schools of all sizes, with students and teachers from a variety of backgrounds, communities, and socio-economic status. Dr. Acosta has led “school turnaround” in high poverty schools in the State of Texas at both the middle and high school levels which yielded immediate and significant growth in student achievement data. Furthermore, under his leadership, Westwood High School was recognized as a top 1% campus in the nation for their academic achievement and college/career readiness.

In 2022, Dr. Acosta joined the Marzano Resources-Solution Tree team and works as an author and national presenter. Dr. Acosta specializes in campus-level implementation of effective campus culture, High Reliability Schools, Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), instructional improvement, response to intervention, effective teaching strategies for English Language Learners (ELLs), and standards-referenced reporting. As an HRS certifier, Dr. Acosta works with K–12 schools and districts across the United States as they progress through the various levels of certification.

Mario holds a doctorate in educational administration from the University of Texas and a superintendent certification in the state of Texas. He earned a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the University of Texas and a master’s degree from Lamar University.


  • Becoming a High Reliability School
  • Collaborative Teams that Transform Schools
  • The New Art and Science of Teaching