Barbara-Jane Paris
Barbara-Jane Paris, PhD, has proudly served students, educators, policymakers, and governmental agencies in a career spanning three decades and more than 40 states and countries around the globe.
Barbara-Jane Paris
Barbara-Jane Paris, PhD, has proudly served students, educators, policymakers, and governmental agencies in a career spanning three decades and more than 40 states and countries around the globe.
Dr. Paris has testified before Congress, and she’s served on multiple task forces for the White House, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the US Department of Health and Social Services, and the United Nations. She served as president of both the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals and the National Association of Secondary School Principals.
As an esteemed advocate for school safety and education, Dr. Paris was recognized in a joint resolution by the Texas House of Representatives and Senate, and received the US Commander's Award for Public Service, the Texas ASCD Leader of Learners Award, and the School Safety Council Award.