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180 Days of Physical Wellness for Busy Educators

By: Tina H. Boogren

All educators can reach for this book as an invitation (with accountability) to improve their physical well-being. Discover mindful eating strategies and methods for staying hydrated, creating a sleep routine, incorporating strength training into a daily routine, and many more actions that lead to a life well lived so you can be your best self.

Availability: This product will ship in October
Publication date:
Format: Paperback

36 weeks of daily self-care for teachers and administrators

Using accountability tools, reflections, and 36 weeks’ worth of invitations, Tina H. Boogren gives K–12 teachers and administrators the structure and ideas they need to improve their well-being. Boogren dives deep into the physical wellness aspect of self-care, inviting readers to engage in a new series of activities centered on the routines of physical wellness: food, hydration, movement, sleep, and rest.

All educators can use this book to:

  • Determine how they want to feel
  • Get ideas for how to pair tasks to help form healthy habits
  • Learn to tell the difference between hunger and appetite
  • Discover sensory rest and various ways to adopt it
  • Address revenge bedtime procrastination head-on

Additional Information

Product Code: BKG206

ISBN: 9781960574909

Page Count: 184